What Happens When Your Case Goes To Court
Are You Prepared For Your Case?
A majority of personal injury cases or accident claims do not reach the trial stage, as they are often settled out of court. Still, there are some that still do go to trial. This process can be frustrating and even intimidating to those who are aren’t familiar with the legal system. With the help of an experienced legal team, you won’t have to worry about having to know the ins-and-outs of how to win your case.
Let’s go over what happens when your case goes to court.
The Steps of a Personal Injury Trial
Most likely in the event that your case has gone to trial, there is little chance that it will be settled through mediation or outside of court. In the trial process, you are meant to show evidence to back up your claims and show your case. You do this hoping that the court will rule in your favor to settle your damages. There is also an opportunity for the defendant to present their own evidence and tell their own story. Ultimately, it is the judge or jury’s decision to choose who they believe is responsible for the injuries, as well as how much is owed in damages.
An ordinary trial for an accident claim has these stages:
- Jury selection. The members of a jury must be chosen before the start of the trial. This process involves the judge, along with the attorneys and lawyers of those involved in the case, interviewing potential members to assess if they should be on the jury. The jurors are questioned in order to determine if there are any reasons why they would not be able to appropriate rule on the case in order to prevent any type of conflict of interest.
- Opening statements. During this part of the trial process, there is an opportunity for both sides to showcase their own perspective and story about what happened. Your attorney will show the court facts regarding the crash or accident while providing context to the evidence that will show that the defendant is liable for the damages. After this, the defendant’s attorney is then given their own shot to present their client’s view of the event in order to sway the decision of the court.
- Witness testimony or cross-examination. Now is when evidence is presented to the court, including many items but not limited to photographs, medical records, and testimonies from witnesses and experts.
- Closing arguments. This is when both sides are given a final opportunity to sway the jury.
- Jury instruction and deliberation. The judge will give instructions that have to be taken into consideration by the jury when deciding on the case.
Nevada Car Accidents

With a growth of 6.4 percent from the previous year, this is a significant rise in the number of road accident related fatalities, which numbered merely 311 deaths in 2017. Altogether, the number of deaths due to motor vehicle crashes has gone down overall across the United States.
The Cottle Law Firm has experiences awarding over a quarter of a billion dollars to Nevada residents that were injured due to motor vehicle accidents. We at the Cottle Firm have decades of experience assisting clients with a number of injuries, and our talented staff of attorneys understands how to achieve successful settlements.
At the Cottle Firm, you’re not just a case number. Contact our offices now at 702-722-6111 to discuss your claim with a professional Las Vegas car crash attorney today.