Ways The Insurance Company Will Try To Deny Your Accident Claim
The Difficulty Of Regaining Lost Compensation
Not only is being involved in a tragic accident a traumatic and painful experience, but they can also cause unnecessary and expensive damages that you have to deal with after. If you find yourself the victim of a car accident, you will likely have to undergo some sort of medical care in the form of treatment, surgeries, and general rehabilitation. You need to know how to file an accident claim and understand the risks associated with the process.
On top of it all, it can often be difficult to return to work for an extended period of time. This can cause you to lose much-needed income due to inability to earn your paycheck. It makes it hard to get by and support your family, let alone the damages and medical bills associated with your car accident.
One way to help victims to regain their lost income and compensation for damages is to file an accident claim. However, many people find negotiating with the insurance company can be incredibly difficult. It is a reality that the purpose of insurance companies is to make a profit. Because of this, they are not always willing to pay out the settlements that victims need in order to continue on with their lives.
How the Insurance Company Can Work Against You
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a car crash or other accident, you must understand that insurance company does not have your best interests at heart. These companies have employees, called insurance adjusters, that are solely meant to try and reduce the overall amount of your final settlement. Here are some common techniques that the insurance companies could possibly use against you:
- Using your previous statements. Whether it’s something you said at the scene of the accident, social media posts or statements you made to the insurance adjusters, insurance companies are well-known for manipulating the words of victims’ into a form of admissions of their liability in the accident. They will deny your claim whenever they believe they have adequate evidence to show that you were responsible for the injuries incurred.
- Claiming all injuries were pre-existing. Insurance companies comb through victims’ social media posts and medical records to discover if there is any previous history of other injuries which are similar in their past. If the company does find any sort of proof that the accident-related injuries you suffered are remotely like any previous injuries, regardless of how far back it is, they can potentially use this to withhold your settlement.
- Pointing out slight mistakes in your claim. Insurance companies closely examine all claims, and even insignificant mistakes can allow them to deny valid claims.
Las Vegas Area Car Accidents
Accidents like these are too common. One doesn’t have to look long until they see news of another crash in the news. In the state of Nevada in 2018, there have been 331 fatalities reported on the roads. This is an alarming rise in the number from the previous year at 6.4 percent.
There were only had 311 deaths in 2017. Across the United States, the number of deaths due to motor vehicle crashes has gone down overall.
The Cottle Law Firm has awarded over a quarter of a billion dollars to residents of Nevada that were injured as the result of car crashes. We have decades of experience helping people with all kinds of injuries, and our experienced attorneys understand how to win successful settlements. At the Cottle Firm, you’re not just a case number. Contact our offices today at 702-722-6111 to discuss your claim with a professional Las Vegas car crash attorney.