Is A Dash Cam Helpful To Have in Your Car?
When you are involved in an automobile accident there is nothing like hard, visible evidence to make your case clear. Dash cameras can provide convincing and indisputable information that may be the most distinct and straightforward details proving who is liable in an accident. For most private cars, dash cams are not common, but people appear to be buying them at an ever-increasing pace. Hit-and-run accidents, theft, as well as insurance fraud, can all be helped immensely with audio and/or visual feedback. This type of information provides a strong ability to protect one’s self and back up a claim.
Obtaining Evidence
Dash cams can provide a lot more information than just the point of impact. When mounted in a way that allows for observation of the rear of a vehicle, these handy little gadgets will provide information pertaining to all the driver’s activities including:
- Swerving or veering in and out of lanes
- Distracted driving
- Running red lights
- Aggressive driving practices
- Appearance of intoxication
- The make and look of the car in the event of hit-and-runs
- Speed and force of impact readings
All of this information can put together a very successful and clear-cut case if you have been hit by another reckless driver.
Effectiveness of the Evidence
Concrete evidence that establishes liability will take a lot of the headache out of obtaining compensation for your claim. There is less for an insurance company to argue with when all the proof of liability is right there in front of them. The process of obtaining compensation from an insurance company can be substantially reduced when the evidence exists without a doubt that the negligent party is at fault for the accident. This video information can help reduce disparities between potential eyewitnesses, or act in place of an eye witness if none exists.
Finding an Automobile Accident Attorney in Nevada
When installing a camera in the State of Nevada, you cannot have it obstruct your view when driving. If it is installed improperly, you could be liable for a fine due to blocked visibility. The bottom line is whether or not you have the video evidence or not, it is always important to seek the guidance and support of an experienced Las Vegas motor vehicle accident attorney to better your chances of seeking compensation.
If you have been injured in a crash, you may have significant medical bills, distress, pain, and potentially even lost wages as a result. All of this can add up and be a means for compensation. The Cottle Firm has been representing victims of motor vehicle accidents across the state of Nevada for decades. We have obtained over a quarter of a billion dollars for those victims we have represented and we can do the same for your case. We know what it takes to build a successful claim and we have the resources to help you heal emotionally and physically while we fight for your justice. Call us today at 702-722-6111 and let us help you with your claim.