What To Do When You Are Injured By An Uninsured Driver
Being in an accident is tough enough, but when the other driver who hit you is uninsured your first thought may be to wonder how you will get the compensation you need for property damages or even treatment for your injuries. In the state of Nevada, the hard and true reality is that 10.6{88e349d5decac9e367401df59c8a5daea38c8be20f3485723a835d333268b5d9} of all drivers were uninsured in 2015. The state during this year ranked #29 across the US for uninsured motorists. Unfortunately, the amount of uninsured drivers is increasing across the country according to the Insurance Information Institute.
The good news is you can still pursue compensation or damages if you have been victimized by another driver, even if they are not carrying insurance. This can be done through your insurance company as well as pursuing the individual directly. Make no mistake, this process is not clear-cut, it can be complex. Therefore, it is advised that you arm yourself with experienced legal representation who understands motor vehicle accidents and personal injuries in Nevada. This is your best bet to ensure everything is done efficiently and effectively.
Insurance’s Role
There are segments of your insurance that are specifically set for incidents that occur with uninsured motorists. These can help with the essentials needed such as wage loss, medical costs, as well as the distress and emotional trauma which resulted from the accident. Unfortunately, the damages to your property, like the vehicle destruction may not be covered.
The way around this is to have extra uninsured motorist coverage. It is also important to point out that it is never advised to sign any type of waiver saying you do not want extra uninsured motorist coverage or that you agree to turn it down. This could be detrimental to obtaining your full compensation if you are ever hit by an uninsured motorist.
Insurance companies are businesses and as such, they have to pay attention to their bottom line. They don’t want to have to pay any more than necessary if possible. If they can find that there was any responsibility on the part of the injured party, they will try to lessen the payment to the victim. Even when it is your own insurance company, don’t think they won’t try to get out of paying all of your claim. They absolutely will try to get out of whatever they can. You shouldn’t have to put up with the expenses of any part of an accident that wasn’t your fault and the lawyers at the Cottle Firm will fight aggressively to ensure that you are not put in that position.
Automobile Accident Attorneys in Las Vegas, Nevada That Fight For Victims
You are able to file against an uninsured motorist for property damages as well as injuries. Most of the time these disputes are taken to small claims court. If the individual doesn’t have the money, you may not see any of it. Therefore, the better option could be for a personal injury lawyer in Las Vegas to do the negotiating for you. These professionals can find out what assets the uninsured motorist has and ultimately liens may be placed against them to pay for the full amount of the settlement. Call the Cottle Firm today at 702-722-6111 and let us help you with your claim.