Reno, Nevada – Motor Vehicle Accident On Interstate 580 Results In Injury
Reno, NV (June 20, 2019)
Nevada Department of Public Safety reported an automobile accident on northbound Interstate 580 shortly after 3:00 pm on June 20th, 2019. The cause of the accident is unknown.
First responders arrived at the scene to provide aid to the victims. Authorities have confirmed that at least one passenger was injured, although It is unclear at this time if more injuries occurred.
Our thoughts are with all parties injured in the accident, we hope for a full and quick recovery.
Motor Vehicle Accidents In Nevada
Over 300 fatal automobile accidents occurred in 2017 in the state of Nevada alone. Though, not all motor vehicle accidents result in deaths, they can still cause injuries of varying degrees. Nevada is home to many highways and interstates that run throughout the state. These main roads see large numbers of vehicles daily as they are used by local traffic, as well as transport trucks. With the high level of traffic on Nevada roads, automobile accidents are common. If you or someone you love has suffered injuries as a result of a motor vehicle accident in Nevada you may need a personal injury lawyer. The Cottle Firm offers legal expertise for those injured or killed in a motor vehicle accident.
Our Las Vegas personal injury lawyers have decades of legal experience. Our firm has won over a quarter of a billion dollars for clients who were injured in Nevada. At the Cottle Firm every case is unique. We pride ourselves in maintaining strong relationships with clients, attorneys and judges. These relationships allow us to be the successful firm that we are. A majority of our customers refer their friends and family to our firm. We take all cases seriously, big or small. If you or your loved ones need a personal injury lawyer in Nevada, contact the Cottle Firm today at 702) 722-6111.
To create these stories, outside sources were utilized in regards to the basic facts and information included in the piece. These sources include news bulletins and first-hand accounts. The details of the accidents have not been independently verified by our own staff and may not represent the whole story. If you have information that should be included or know of any inaccuracies included in these pieces, please let us know and we will adjust the posting accordingly.
At The Cottle Firm, we are proud and active members of the local community, and we strive to improve the lives of everyone in the state of Nevada. We are devastated by these accidents but hope that by bringing awareness to them, we can better protect our communities and prevent these accidents from occurring in the future. These stories not a solicitation for business, and the information included within should not be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. We hope all those injured a quick recovery and our hearts go out to the friends and families of lost loved ones.