Yerington, Nevada – Vehicle Accident On U.S.-95 Highway Causes Injury
Yerington, NV (June 20, 2019)
Nevada Public Safety reported a crash on U.S. Highway 95 that runs through the entire state. The recorded accident occurred just after 5:13 am on Thursday, June 20th.
Traffic reports show that the accident took place at the intersection of U.S. 95 and Barry Lane. This Highway is also known as Alt 95, as it considered an alternate alignment highway.
Local traffic attendants noted an injury was reported, though no further information on the victim or victims has been released. Traffic delays are expected on this route.
We hope all parties involved in the incident are able to make a quick and full recovery.
Motor Vehicle Accidents In Nevada
Motor vehicle accidents can cause more than simple road delays. In 2017, Nevada aggregated a total of 309 fatalities due to traffic accidents. Though not all accidents end in death, many do cause injuries of varying degrees. When an injury occurs as a result of a motor vehicle accident, there is a possibility that a personal injury lawyer will need to be contacted. Our lawyers at The Cottle Firm offer experienced legal services for those injured or killed in an automobile accident in Nevada.
The Cottle Firm has been offering citizens of Nevada legal expertise for decades. We have won numerous cases in that time, totaling over a quarter of a billion dollars obtained for clients in need. The years of experience we have allow us here at The Cottle Firm to create strong relationships with judges and insurance attorneys which encourages further success for the firm. At our firm each case is treated as unique to ensure that the victim gets the specific attention and support that is needed to win. If you or someone you love is injured in a motor vehicle accident in Nevada contact the Cottle Firm at (702) 722-6111.
To create these stories, outside sources were utilized in regards to the basic facts and information included in the piece. These sources include news bulletins and first-hand accounts. The details of the accidents have not been independently verified by our own staff and may not represent the whole story. If you have information that should be included or know of any inaccuracies included in these pieces, please let us know and we will adjust the posting accordingly.
At The Cottle Firm, we are proud and active members of the local community, and we strive to improve the lives of everyone in the state of Nevada. We are devastated by these accidents but hope that by bringing awareness to them, we can better protect our communities and prevent these accidents from occurring in the future. These stories not a solicitation for business, and the information included within should not be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. We hope all those injured a quick recovery and our hearts go out to the friends and families of lost loved ones.