What To Do If You’re Hit By A Drunk Driver
Car accidents can cause serious and irreparable damage. They often leave victims with physical injuries as well as emotional pains. Drunk driving accidents are careless and affect countless people, including the victims, their families, and other loved ones. In 2008, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recorded over 37,000 deaths due to traffic accidents and at least 11,700 were killed in a drunk driving accident. After an accident, it can be hard to determine what to do first. Contacting our personal injury law firm of Nevada at 702-722-6111 can help victims to get the guidance and support they need.
Contact The Police
The first step after being in an accident is contacting the local police. If you believe the driver that caused the accident was intoxicated, it is important the police show up right away to administer a sobriety test and make a complete report. While waiting for assistance, it is smart to document the scene of the crash with pictures, videos, and notes. Take pictures and videos of all damage done to the vehicles in the accident. It is also helpful to have photo and video evidence of the traffic lights or stop signs in the crash area. Remembering and documenting as much information about the accident can aid in the cops’ investigation. Often times, a crash occurs on a busy street or intersection, so after reporting the accident, make sure to get to a safe area off the road and away from traffic.
Get Medical Assistance
It is possible that injuries from an accident do not appear right away. With the adrenaline and stress of a crash, it is easy to forget about or miss an injury. Often times, victims end up with stiff or sore body parts and write it off as muscle pain or bruising. Later, these aches and pains show up as more serious injuries. The Cottle Firm understands that accidents can leave victims with financial hardships between the medical expenses and insurance bills. Personal injury firms, like the Cottle Firm, can provide reliable medical contacts to get the treatment you need.
Personal Injury Lawyers In Nevada
The number of crashes due to drunk driving is increasing in Nevada. In a case with a drunk driver, it is helpful to collect all the information you can. Our personal injury law firms in Nevada offer decades of legal experience on motor vehicle accidents and can assist in the post-accident process. The Cottle Firm has won over a quarter of a billion dollars for Nevada residents. Our law firm can help recover employment, property, and money lost on medical and insurance bills. We pride ourselves in being a firm that builds strong relationships with attorneys, judges, and clients. These relationships are what allow our lawyers to be so successful. Contact the Cottle Firm at 702-722-6111 today to get the help you need.