What Should I Do After A Slip & Fall Accident?
Seek Medical Treatment
The first step you should take is to make sure that you are okay. If a fall is particularly serious, 911 should be called. Always take medical advice and seek treatment as needed. If you do not need emergency services, be sure to contact your doctor within 48 hours to seek examination, even if you think you feel okay after a slip and fall.
Locate Witnesses
You could have a friend or loved one who was a witness to the event. Ask if they would provide a statement and have them write it down or record it while it is fresh in their memory. Even ask strangers who were present if they would be witnesses and take down their contact information.
Report the Incident
You should find out who is in charge of the location where the fall took place. Ask about any relevant procedures for reporting similar incidents, as they may be a strict policy in place. If you can file an official accident report before leaving, always request a copy.
When there is no policy in place, ask for contact information — such as email or mailing address — of the location or business. Write down a thorough description of what took place, as well as any sustained damages, and send it to them upon getting home. You should get everything in writing and keep your own copies.
Take Pictures or Video
Take pictures of videos using your phone at the location where the accident happened. This will help document your injuries and the condition of the floor at the time of the slip and fall. This documentation will help preserve vital details. Conditions may change after the fact, and then it will be your word against theirs.
Document Your Experience
If writing is too hard, you can also video or record yourself. This is meant to establish a clear statement of your side of the story. The sooner you do this after a slip and fall, the better it is for your case. You want to have the events fresh in your mind, because, over time, things can become less clear, disrupting your ability to remember the event.
Take Caution with the Insurance Provider
When you slip and fall in a private place or business, their liability insurance should be able to cover your damages. However, insurance providers want to minimize their payouts. Never make agreements over the phone and always ask to see everything in writing before coming to an agreement. You are not obligated to accept an initial offer, as it may not be enough to cover the full cost of future medical expenses or lost income due to the accident.
Nevada Slip & Fall Accidents
Each year, there are 19,565 deaths in the United States caused by slip and fall injuries. Nearly 20 to 30 percent of all slip and fall victims sustain some type of severe injuries, such as broken bones or head injuries. The experienced Nevada slip and fall attorneys at the Cottle Firm have helped countless victims receive multi-milliion dollar settlements to cover their damages after a slip and fall. Call us today if you or a loved one has been injured in a similar accident.