Nevada Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics
Car accidents are among the most common causes of accidental deaths and injuries in Nevada and across the United States. A look at Nevada’s motor vehicle accident statistics shows the extent of this pressing issue. As motorists, we must be aware of the dangers of negligent driving and drive as safely as possible to minimize the risk of causing an accident.
Unsafe driving behaviors like reckless driving, distracted driving, driving under the influence, or ignoring traffic laws put all other road users at risk. When a negligent driver engages in such behaviors and causes an accident, injured others have legal rights. You may have grounds for a personal injury claim if you have recently been injured in a motor vehicle accident caused by negligence.
At the Cottle Firm, our experienced Las Vegas car accident lawyers are dedicated to helping accident victims recover the compensation they need and deserve. Contact us today at 702-722-6111 to discuss your Nevada car accident personal injury claim in a free consultation.
Overview of Nevada’s Motor Vehicle Accident Trends
Motor vehicle accidents in Nevada have become more common over the past decade. According to a story by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, 2023 was one of the deadliest years for car accidents in nearly 20 years. The 386 crash deaths in 2023 marked a slight decline from the 416 traffic fatalities in 2022, but these years are the two deadliest years on Nevada roads since 2006.
Key Types of Crashes
In November 2024, the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) released a report called Nevada Traffic Safety Crash Facts, which analyzed various data sets to determine the types of fatalities, locations, the parties responsible, the time of the fatalities, and the causes of fatal accidents. Here is an overview of the common types of crashes analyzed in this report.
Speeding-Related Crashes
Speeding remains one of the leading causes of motor vehicle accidents in Nevada and nationwide. According to NDOT, between 2018 and 2022, speeding was a factor in approximately 30% of all fatal crashes in the state. These incidents are most prevalent on rural highways, where drivers often exceed speed limits due to limited traffic enforcement.
In urban areas, speeding-related crashes often occur at intersections. These crashes may involve multiple vehicles, or a vehicle colliding with a pedestrian. High-speed crashes are much more likely to result in severe or fatal injuries. The majority of these accidents occur at night when visibility is lower.
Impaired Driving Crashes
Driving under the influence continues to be a significant issue in Nevada. Las Vegas is one of the world’s top party destinations, as countless tourists engage in heavy drinking during their stays. Unfortunately, some of these tourists (and locals) make the reckless decision to get behind the wheel after drinking, which endangers themselves and anyone else they encounter on the road.
Between 2018 and 2022, impaired driving was a contributing factor in 51% of Nevada traffic fatalities. In 2022, alcohol was a factor in a total of 2,456 accidents across the state, resulting in a total of 1,927 injuries. This marks a significant increase in both categories compared to 2018 when there were a total of 1,580 accidents with 1,375 injuries.
Impaired driving is an issue across Nevada, but especially in Las Vegas. The city averages 1,987 DUI arrests per 100,000 residents and 4,311 total arrests each year, which are the highest rates of any major city in the United States.
Pedestrian Crashes
Pedestrian safety is a pressing issue in Nevada, especially in Las Vegas and other cities with high foot traffic. Pedestrians are especially vulnerable to serious injuries if they are struck by a vehicle. According to NDOT, pedestrian fatalities account for roughly 25% of all traffic-related deaths in Nevada.
Pedestrian crashes are most common in urban areas. NDOT data shows that from 2018-2022, 90% of all fatal pedestrian crashes happened on city roads. Clark County accounted for the highest number of fatal pedestrian crashes in the state over that period.
Lane Departure Crashes
Crashes involving vehicles leaving their lanes are among the deadliest in Nevada, accounting for 46% of traffic fatalities between 2018 and 2022. These crashes are often caused by distracted or impaired driving.
For instance, a driver may inadvertently leave their lane while looking at their cell phone or due to diminished motor skills while under the influence. Drowsy driving is another common cause, as drivers may fall asleep at the wheel and swerve into an adjoining lane.
Distracted Driving Crashes
Paying attention to the road and your surroundings is one of the most important aspects of safe driving. Unfortunately, distracted driving is a widespread problem in Nevada. Distractions like cell phone use, eating, and drinking all greatly increase the risk of an accident.
Distracted driving only accounted for 3% of all traffic deaths in Nevada between 2018 and 2022. However, this low number may be misleading. According to NDOT, the true number of distracted driving crashes is likely much higher, as responding police officers are often unable to determine whether a driver was distracted. In general, the only way to prove this is through witness testimony – such as a witness seeing a driver using their phone during the crash.
Intersection Crashes
Intersections are among the most common locations for car accidents in Nevada, accounting for 35% of all traffic fatalities in the state. Between 2018 and 2022, there were a total of 546 intersection crash deaths and 519 fatal intersection crashes on Nevada roadways.
Motorcycle Crashes
Motorcyclists are especially vulnerable to fatal or severe injuries, due to a lack of physical protection compared to car and truck drivers. From 2018-2022, motorcycle crashes accounted for 23% of all traffic fatalities in Nevada. 76% of these crashes occurred on urban roadways, with the highest number of crashes in Clark County.
Bicycle Crashes
Like motorcyclists and pedestrians, bicyclists are extremely vulnerable to severe injuries when involved in a motor vehicle crash. Between 2018 and 2022, there were a total of 48 bicyclist deaths on Nevada roadways. 93% of these deaths occurred on urban roadways and were most common between the hours of 6:00 and 8:59 PM.
High-Risk Demographics and Locations
Certain groups and locations are more vulnerable to motor vehicle accidents.
Young and Older Drivers
NDOT defines young driver crashes as those that involve at least one driver between 15 and 20 years old, regardless of who was at fault. Young drivers were involved in 12% of all Nevada traffic fatalities between 2018 and 2022. Like most other categories, the vast majority of these crashes (79%) occurred on urban roads, mostly in Clark County.
Nevada defines older drivers as those aged 65 and older. Older drivers were involved in 24% of Nevada’s total traffic fatalities from 2018-2022. 72% of fatal older driver crashes happened on urban streets and Clark County accounted for the majority of these crashes. Between 2018 and 2022, males between 66 and 75 years old were the highest reported demographic of at-fault drivers in fatal older driver crashes.
Gender Differences
NDOT statistics show that men are much more likely to be found at fault for car accidents. Between 2018 and 2022, males between the ages of 21 and 35 accounted for the largest number of at-fault drivers in fatal crashes in the state.
High-Risk Areas
Car accidents can occur on any roadway, but certain locations are at a higher risk than others:
- Clark County: Home to Las Vegas and Nevada’s most populous county, Clark County recorded 64% of all fatal crashes in Nevada between 2018 and 2022. Urban density, high tourism, and pedestrian activity are all likely contributors to this statistic.
- The Las Vegas Strip: A hotspot for vehicle and pedestrian collisions due to its heavy vehicle traffic, high foot traffic, mix of residents and tourists, and large numbers of alcohol-serving establishments.
- Intersections: Nearly 40% of all crashes statewide occur at intersections. This shows the need for driver awareness at intersections, as well as strong safety measures like traffic controls.
The Economic and Social Impact of Motor Vehicle Accidents
Being injured in a motor vehicle accident can turn your life upside down in an instant. In addition to physical harm, these accidents often result in significant economic and emotional burdens for victims. In cases involving negligence, victims may pursue financial compensation for these burdens.
Economic Costs
Motor vehicle accident victims often struggle with significant financial setbacks related to their injuries. The direct and indirect costs associated with such accidents include:
- Medical Expenses: Car accident injuries often result in extensive medical costs, including emergency room visits, surgeries, hospital stays, and long-term rehabilitation. For especially severe injuries like spinal cord damage or traumatic brain injuries, the lifetime cost of care can even be seven figures.
- Lost Productivity: Car accident victims are often unable to return to work either temporarily or permanently in severe cases. For some workers, this may mean missed paychecks, which creates a serious economic burden. Those who suffer permanently disabling injuries may never be able to work again.
- Property Damage: Repairing or replacing damaged vehicles involved in accidents creates an additional financial burden for individuals and insurance companies. High repair costs may result in increased insurance premiums.
- Emergency Services Cost: Police, fire, and medical first responders dedicate significant resources to accident scenes. While these services are critical, the strain placed on them can contribute to the broader societal cost of motor vehicle accidents.
Social Costs
Motor vehicle accidents can also have profound emotional and social consequences for victims and their families. Injury victims may face long-term physical and psychological challenges, such as chronic pain, limited mobility, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
In fatal accidents, surviving family members must grieve the loss of a loved one and cope with the emotional devastation the accident has caused in their daily lives. If the fatal accident was caused by the negligence of another party, these family members may seek support by filing a wrongful death claim.
Legal Implications for Crash Victims
If you were injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you have legal rights. You may have grounds for a personal injury claim against the at-fault party. It’s important to understand your legal rights and options during this stressful time.
Establishing Liability
To have grounds for a personal injury claim, there must be evidence of liability. You must show that another party’s negligence contributed to your accident. Proving liability often involves gathering evidence like police reports, eyewitness testimonies, traffic camera footage, and expert accident reconstructions.
Types of Compensation Available
Victims of motor vehicle accidents in Nevada may be entitled to the following forms of financial compensation:
- Economic Damages: These include quantifiable financial losses, such as medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and property damage.
- Non-Economic Damages: These address more subjective losses, including pain and suffering, emotional distress, and reduced quality of life.
- Punitive Damages: In cases involving gross negligence, courts may award punitive damages to punish the at-fault party and deter similar behavior in the future.
Challenges in Negotiating with Insurance Companies
Insurance companies often attempt to minimize or deny payouts to maximize their own profits. They may dispute liability, undervalue claims, or pressure victims into accepting quick settlements that fail to cover the full extent of damages. This is why victims should consider hiring an experienced Las Vegas car accident lawyer who can communicate with insurance companies on their behalf and work towards a fair settlement.
The Importance of Legal Representation
Hiring a skilled Las Vegas car accident attorney is a necessity for those looking to pursue financial compensation. Your attorney can analyze your case, gather evidence of negligence, prove liability, and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf. If necessary, your attorney can take the case to court if the insurance company is unwilling to settle for a fair amount based on the damages you have suffered.
Discuss Your Car Accident Case With a Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer
Have you recently been injured in a Nevada car accident? If the crash was caused by the negligence of another driver or a third party (such as the manufacturer of a defective auto part), you may have grounds for a personal injury claim. The seasoned Las Vegas car accident lawyers of the Cottle Firm help our clients seek fair financial compensation for the personal and financial difficulties they face as a result of their injuries. Contact us today at 702-722-6111 to discuss your legal options in a free consultation.