What You Need To Know About Las Vegas And Mopeds
Mopeds are an increasingly popular mode of transportation in Las Vegas. With their growing popularity, there is also a correlation to a higher number of accidents involving mopeds. These accidents have many similarities to motorcycle crashes, but there are some defined differences regarding the kind of injuries riders may sustain. Mopeds are not any safer than motorcycles and accidents can lead to pretty severe injuries.
Mopeds in Las Vegas
The technical definition of a moped is a vehicle with a displacement of less than 50 cubic centimeters with an engine producing less than 1500 watts. The maximum speed of the vehicle must also not go over 30 miles per hour.
Similar to motorcycles, mopeds are required to have adequate lights and mirrors. Unlike motorcycles, however, mopeds do not have to have turn signals. This lack of safety features causes a serious concern regarding the safety of both the operator and other motorists on the roadway, especially when the moped is changing lanes or turning.
It is required that riders of mopeds have a valid Nevada driver’s license in order to operate the vehicle on roadways within the state. The vehicle itself must be licensed, and owners are required to pay for a registration fee. These actions are required for the moped to be legal in the eyes of the state.
Many states require that motorcyclists wear helmets when operating their vehicles. However, Nevada does not have similar regulations for moped drivers. Again, this creates cause for concern and a higher probability of the rider to experience some type of traumatic brain injury in the event of a collision.
In Nevada, it is required that moped operators stay in the right-hand lane of the roadway outside of making a left turn. There are certain exceptions, namely being instructed by officials or hazardous road conditions.
The Dangers of Riding Mopeds
It is shown that, statistically, moped operators are shown to experience a lesser rate of fatalities and serious injuries than motorcycle riders. With this being said, moped operators are more likely to experience serious head injuries, especially when it is not required that they wear a helmet when riding.
A majority of moped collisions are due to colliding with other vehicles on the roadway or running off-road. In the event of these accidents, moped operators have slight protection to safeguard them against serious injury.
Motorcycle Accidents In Nevada
In Nevada, there have been a reported 331 fatalities on the roadways in the year 2018.
This marks a noticeable increase of 6.4 percent from the previous year, which only had 311 deaths. Overall across the United States, the number of fatalities due to car accidents has decreased.
The Cottle Law Firm has obtained over a quarter of a billion dollars for people that were injured due to vehicle collisions throughout the state of Nevada.
We have decades of experience helping people with all kinds of injuries, and our lawyers understand how to get results.
You’re not just a case number at The Cottle Firm. Contact our offices now at 702-722-6111 to discuss your claim with a professional Las Vegas car crash attorney today.